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The management and employees of EVN have a far-reaching responsibility and role model function both in Austria and abroad. For this reason, the EVN Code of Conduct was developed, which defines and summarises the principles and guidelines underlying responsible action for people of integrity.

Articles of Incorporation of EVN AG

Policy on business conduct in the EVN Group

EVN Code of Conduct

At EVN, we place particular importance on ethical and legally compliant behaviour by all our employees, business partners and suppliers. This commitment to full compliance has been effectively transformed into reality through the implementation of a series of guidelines and measures that apply throughout the EVN Group. The starting point is formed by the EVN Code of Conduct with its ten subject areas. It is based on the EVN values and regulates, among others, the aspects of our business activities in the areas of human rights, governance, compliance, corporate ethics, the prevention of corruption, data protection, confidentiality, public appearance and competitive behaviour, occupational safety and accident prevention as well as climate and environmental protection. Full compliance and the strict observance of the EVN Code of Conduct represent Group-wide binding guidelines for our behaviour. The Code of Conduct is supplemented by additional guidelines for specific target groups such as employees or suppliers and for specific issues such as the prevention of corruption and competitive behaviour. 

 EVN Code of Conduct 

EVN Human Rights Policy

In agreement with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the principles of the UN Global Compact and the guidelines of the International Labour Organisation, all EVN stakeholders are treated equally regardless of their gender, age, ethnic background, skin colour, sexual orientation, religion, political views or disabilities. The related principles and measures are summarised in the EVN Human Rights Policy. 

Human Rights Policy