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ESG Ratings and Sustainability Indices

Our ESG-Ratings

Our sustainability activities are regularly evaluated by various ESG rating agencies. It is our goal to achieve and maintain an in-depth exchange and an active dialogue with different leading institutions to continuously improve our ratings. The results and valuations flow into our internal improvement processes. The following evaluations underscore our ambitious plans on behalf of the environment, social and governance:

Rating agencyYear
CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), Climate Rating 2024C, Awareness Status
(8-point scale, A to D-)
ISS ESG                          2024B-, Prime Status
(12-point scale, A+ to D-)
Sector Average: C+
Moody`s Analytics ESG Overall Score
202458 (Skala 0-100)
Sector Average: 53
MSCI2023AA, Leader Status
(7teilige Skala, AAA-CCC)
S&P Global ESG Score2024
(Scale 0-100)
Morningstar Sustainalytics 
(5-point risk group scale, 0-40+)
Medium Risk

Since foundation of the index in 2005, EVN has also been a permanent member of the VBV-Österreichischen Nachhaltigkeitsindex (VÖNIX). VÖNIX was one of the first Austrian sustainability indices, is calculated since 2005 and reviewed annually. It comprises those national companies listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange, that are leading in their environmental and societal activities and performances.