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National laws and international guidelines such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the basic values described in the Code of Conduct are the fundamental principles for EVN’s corporate culture in dealing with our employees. A set of binding documents defines and substantiates the principles and mission statements that govern our daily interaction. These same high standards apply in all countries where we work. Our activities in this area led to the definition of three key values – ensure, encourage and enable – for the EVN Group several years ago. We have also integrated these values in key documents for our corporate and management culture.


We motivate our employees not only by meeting our legal obligations as an employer, but also by providing numerous additional voluntary benefits. The following fundamental principles define our corporate culture:

  • Equal treatment and equal opportunity
  • Work-life balance
  • Human resources development and advancement
  • Occupational safety and accident prevention
  • Corporate health care
  • Corporate social partnership and internal communication
  • Additional company benefits